Microaggressions are brief everyday indignities that may be verbal, behavioral or environmental, they are usually communicated intentionally or unintentionally that contains an insulting message and often causes severe psychological stress and harm. Microaggressions reflect views of inferiority/superiority and inclusions/exclusions and they can happen outside the level of awareness of well-intentioned individuals (Laureate, 2011).
Whether I have paid attention or not I have been a victim to some microaggressions and I have been the one to say some microaggressions to others. Just this week I was talking with some co-workers when the lady I was speaking with hollered out, "Isn't it only Africans that drive taxis?" I was so shocked because she asked the question so loud and second we sit around a lot of people that are of the African/Nigerian descent - all I could say to her was that she needed to be quiet before she ends up in the HR office.
I know I have been a victim to microaggression - I remember one time in high school a Mexican girl asked me if all we (African - Americans) really ate was "watermelon and fried chicken"? I remember being so mad and wanting to say mean and nasty things back to her but my teacher got to her before I could and sent her to in school suspension.
In my opinion I think that we as a people (country) should really pay attention to the things we say to each other and about other cultural groups and how it may affect others.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Microaggressions in everyday life [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu
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